For years during every thunderstorm I rushed

  • For years during every thunderstorm I rushed to mix chemicals in front of any available window, hoping that, by some miracle, the accident that gave the Flash his powers would be
  • recreated and I too would become FLASH, ah, ah, savior of the universe! All that had happened so far was two severe chemical burns and a forfeited rental deposit. But tonight
  • was gonna be a REAL good night. Don't stop me now! I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah...200 degrees, that's why they call me Mr. Fahrenheit. I'm traveling at the speed of light. I
  • am a photon, obviously, because only they can travel that fast. Still, it was getting hot here, which led to
  • crime, pestilence and general riots. They huddled under the awning of the church, trying to get out of the line of fire.
  • Behind them, a heavy wooden door squeaked. They turned and saw a hand beckoning them in. "Quick," Pastor Montoya instructed, "you'll be safe in here." Once inside, the pastor
  • had them on their knees in a confessional, wrists tightly wrapped to the grate with an iron rosary. "So we meet again Cardinal Fang!" "I should have known it was you Ninja Pope!"
  • "Mwahahahahahah! laughed Ninja Pope at the trussed Cardinal Fang. "Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!" "Yes alright," said the Cardinal, "you've made your point."
  • "Mwahahahahaaaaahahahaaahahahhaaahahaaaaaa!" Ninja Pope added just to irritate Cardinal Fang, right before he cut him loose. "Now let's get out of here!" They vaulted over a moat &
  • a couple of abandoned KFC chain outlets, then got into their moose-propelled underground rocket & fled the country back to Switzerspain where they both belonged, once & for all.


  1. SlimWhitman Oct 31 2013 @ 04:54

    NP Origins... http://foldingstory.com/60kju/ NP Arch adversaries http://foldingstory.com/ionee/

  2. jayursus Oct 31 2013 @ 05:50

    So Europe is littered with abandoned KFC's and underground moose-propelled rocket tubes? COOL!

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