I watched the seahorse hover at the front

  • I watched the seahorse hover at the front of the tank,his brood pouch swollen.I'd always envied womans child-bearing ability. Dr. Kampos said my ectopic pregancy was progressing
  • unexpectedly given the biological leaps of faith that were required to fuse the Sea Horse DNA with my male DNA so I can birth children. Only problem? Where would they come out
  • . I was overthinking. I drank the potion & transformed into a pregnant man-seahorse. Aargh the cramps! I looked under my tshirt - my belly button was distending & opening. I yelled
  • "She's Gonna Blow!"then the seas parted, & Jimmy Buffett started to play. All the Parrotheads started going crazy, and I didnt really feel out of place, being a pregnantman seahor
  • se. Plus I've had a dozen too many margaritas, so Buffet was starting to look good. Everyone knows pregnantman seahorses can't hold their booze, so I needed to find a ride home
  • . Flipper said he'd give me a ride, so without any further thought of the drunk, birthing seahorsemen, I pulled up onto Flipper's back while balancing my 13th margarita on my
  • saddle loaded with fresh ambergris. Years later, a dozen seahorses knocked on my door. "No way am I y'all's mom," I said. "What's going on, babe?" asked Flipper. His smoking jacket
  • was open, revealing that he wasn't wearing a shirt. I could see his smooth rubbery skin underneath. "Flipper, we have guests!" The menagerie of seahorses at my door laughed
  • and shuffled in anyhow. Flipper was being a little too cordial with them all, which made me uncomfortable. Flipper was such a manwhore. I felt our relationship wasn't working out.
  • I circled the enormous tank slowly, mumbling semi-coherently under my breath about those "damned hedonistic dolphins", earning some strange looks from various SeaWorld employees.


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