Gently I wrestled my writhing brother into

  • Gently I wrestled my writhing brother into the rented daimophagus. Many voices clamored; many thumps pummeled the lid as I fastened the latches. From the darkly gleaming wood a hum
  • -an head rolled out and bounced at my feet. It was Pholgand's the Mirror Wizard's head. It said, "Create, Add, Read." My brother was safely in the rented tomb so he
  • hadn't heard the seductive words. I looked at the head & saw my own reflected in a repulsive distortion. It turned grey & decomposed. The Wizard's command to "Create, Add, Read."
  • The Wizard chained me to my desk. I scratched with the quill the next line on the parchment, folded it and passed it to the monk next to me. We wrote to the task-master's drums.
  • I was the best monk at illuminations around the edges of the folds. Once a drollery of Det Manatee made the wizard laugh so much he unchained me and let me look out the window
  • as I turned my head, I noticed a red and black rub. Yes! Just my luck. I can used this to siphon that dreaded wizards powers. But of course that would kill him.... I need to think
  • . I realized then that the rub was a spicy red and black pepper mix. On a whim, I hurled a handful at the wizard's face. As he sneezed, sparkling dust (his powers!) shot out.
  • But that's not all! A wicked, wicked monkey jumped out of the closet and began dancing around the room. It all seemed like a bad dream, but I knew it was not. The enraged wizard
  • panicked and screamed spells at the wicked dancing monkey. The words to the spells came out jumbled in his rage and his hand began to turn white
  • & crumble in2 dust. I close my eyes, only for a moment & the moment's gone. The wicked dancing monkey stopped twirling & I saw her in a whole new light. She's kinda hot 4 a monkey.


  1. CrazyBananas Sep 18 2013 @ 10:40

    Giggle giggle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tH2w6Oxx0kQ

  2. CrazyBananas Sep 18 2013 @ 10:41

    Giggle giggle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tH2w6Oxx0kQ

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