As a purple giant elephant that lives in

  • As a purple giant elephant that lives in the sky, I am required to spell everything correctly. However, as I have no hands, it is very difficult for me to spell, so i hire a
  • human living in London to type my stories for me. Poor Anthony is somewhat scared of my purple skin and the clouds in which I live, but my gentle trunk can normally quiet him down.
  • Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with Anthony. But then I look in the mirror and see that I have purple skin and that I live on a cloud.
  • So I just discovered I was a new avatar, not a James Cameron avatar, but a Hindu aspect of the devine. My sphere was cell phones. I would bless Anthony's Bluetooth.
  • "I'm your Hindu avatar," I said into his Bluetooth. "Read the Bhagavad Gita. Don't eat burgers." Changing his number didn't make my voice go away. Anthony sought psychiatric care.
  • although anthony refused to believe, some part of him wanted to have a hindu avatar. so he decided to try and commiunicate with me, via prayer. iv'e stalk him.
  • because I am a hunter of stupid men. I was once Vishnu, but since the new regime took over the heavens, I am a "Kind Killer." The more stupid men I kill with fire-swords the better
  • i enjoy my live. I, a kind killer, race across the heavens looking for the fools of the world and since they are fools they stand under trees that i strike with lighting. it is fun
  • to cull the stupid from the fold. My work is never done. There's one crossing the street while texting . *Screech bam*. So as I was saying... Wow, that guy wants a Darwin award.
  • Typing three words and calling that a 'fold' is just plain suicide! So natural selection will indeed take it's course, I'll just be helping it a little bit. *Screech bam* ..Winner!


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