The room was pitch black, but I could still

  • The room was pitch black, but I could still feel his warm breath on my face. Tear streamed down my face as I wondered whether my sin was great enough for the punishment before me.
  • "Your sin," a voice boomed from the darkness, "is the worst of all sins! You shall receive just punishment!" I wished for the umpteenth time that I knew what my sin was.
  • I tossed the soggy tissue onto the growing mound, rolled over and went to sleep. The next day, that mysterious, judgmental entity finally got around to punishing me. To start with
  • I had to clean the bathrooms. And there were a lot of bathrooms. I thought that would be my only punishment, harsh as it was, but the mysterious, judgemental entity was not done.
  • No, apparently, part of this program of staying off booze also requires me to make my bed. What a crock but while the judgmental entity watched me I had to pretend to be really
  • clean and tidy, although I did spend a lot of time staring at this strange creature that had invaded my room and wondering whether "judgy" was a real word. At least the neighbors
  • never suspected, for the creature looked just like a Judge Wappner playtoy. They never knew. I tugged on his pullstring whenever I needed a judgement. The Judge said "Clean up your
  • Plate and leave no scraps of chicken for the dogs." I reluctantly did so, knowing it would give me indigestion. I would have preferred ratatouille. The Judge was pleased and rubbed
  • my nose in the shit again. "Your sentence is almost over, isn't it", he asked me. "Even up on my bench I can hear that period coming; the end of your sentence. Sometimes I imagine
  • the order of someone else's words forming in their head and swirling on the tip of their tongue before the actually speak. It's like I can see the letters inside their brain. Wow!


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