Squeak squelch squeak squelch - with one

  • Squeak squelch squeak squelch - with one wet and one dry foot, Jim made his way irritably through the immaculate corridors. He had just been
  • rickroll'd! he had thrown a monkey wrench into the computer screen. then he kicked the CPU out of a window. he stormed out of the room, quite mad.
  • The CPU he'd thrown froze in mid air outside the window, trapped in time by the secretary he'd abused. She waited patiently for him to exit before she unfroze it & let it kill him.
  • The secretary left the building, calmly driving away as the rescue teams approached. Her new-found ability seemed to have potential. She could Freeze bullets, roulette wheels, and
  • spit wads. She went to Vegas and found a roulette game. She put her life savings on 38. The croupier spun the wheel. She froze the ball on 38 but to get her dough she had to unfree
  • Willy. She didn't really have anything against the Orca but needed that money. She headed to the coast with a sack of chihuahuas, a harpoon gun, and a ferocious determination.
  • But the idea was a stillbirth. The chuahuas she put on ice flows to attract her prey generally froze to death long before the whales got wind of them, but being ferociously determi
  • dentata - a condition she'd had since childhood, the was naturally protected from the extreme elements in the frigid clime. With the chihuahuas nipping at her ankles, she
  • squatted down and let her toothed vagina have at them. Yeah, the chihuahuas were innocent enough (all they really quieroed was Taco Bell), but ankle-biting was no laughing matter.
  • And yet they could always count on the chihuahuas for at least one good laugh. Sure, it might just laughing at someone's privates, but it was the quality time they craved.


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