Though his birth name was Herbert, the neighborhood

  • Though his birth name was Herbert, the neighborhood kids had turned to calling him "Old and Crusty" - A name he likely deserved from his habit of
  • body surfing on a bed of nails. But the coppery sting of blood and puss made him feel alive. That an microwaving small mammals. That's what breeding the weasels was for, so
  • it was no surprise that he was murdered in his sleep. When nobody appeared at his funeral, the pastor would have felt sorry for him if he'd been there himself. The ditch diggers
  • also failed to show up, so the coffin sat above ground for several weeks, until the mortician called to have it removed by Waste Management. But even they forgot to show up. So
  • they had to wrap it in a sheet, sling it in the back of a hired limousine and head for the
  • toilet. We don't want any unexpected visiters popping out into their pants.
  • Those pants-crocodiles seemed innocent enough, but the were all gambling addicts raised on enemas. Their penchant for crossword puzzles made them an asset, as it were, but
  • at what cost? He really needed Stan right now. Stan-the-Man would know what to do with the enema-maniacs. (Ha! Good name for a band. Enemaniacs.) Focus! There is a way
  • facilitate release and still not leave unsightly stains on one's undergarments, he was sure of it. So he
  • kept doing wath he did so well,she responded and he apreciated.All in very polite manners until...along with the orgasm,the beast inside him was relesead and she was doomed.


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