I will not be seen as a coward. I have been

  • I will not be seen as a coward. I have been through more than you can imagine. For example, one day when I was walking home from school, I
  • chabod Crane tried to ride me down on his Stallion of Doom. I slipped into a corn maze and summoned the Great Pumpkin. I chanted "banchees, witches, ghouls and ghosts, come
  • on down! You're the next contestant on the price is right!" I hated Ichabod, he was one of those naturally thin types. I've always been pudgy but it Halloween on the show so I
  • tripped Ichabod as he was heading down the aisle and surreptitiously ripped his nametag off his chest and stuck it on mine. Waddling down the aisle toward the Price is Right stage,
  • It was a choice between red and blue. How to know which waxec better pork roasts? Claiming to be king of the roaches,
  • that was rich. He was just Big Roach with his thug bugs and raspy tongued earwigs and annelidan servants squirming before him. He sat on the glistening fat of the pork roast
  • too distracted by disappointment in his own inadequacy to appreciate the vista he surveyed. The shimmering light reflected off the fat his feet were sticking to and made stars on
  • Our inadequacies that made us question that area between exponential and Real, between imaginary but veiled. So his feet were stuck in fat but in a shimmering. Frodo lives!
  • But after they stuck Frodo's feet in fat, they rolled them in breadcrumbs and started up the deep fryer. "No!" shouted Frodo, "I haven't shaved them yet!" The orcs looked startled.
  • They grabbed a razor to shave them. When Legolas & Aragorn arrived with neled herain men & shot & slashed through the Orcs! Woo Hoo, saved! Until they smelled those saucy feet.


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