The swords edge was as sharp as hell, the

  • The swords edge was as sharp as hell, the steel itself burned with the hatred of the hundreds of souls it had taken out of this world and put in the next. always it was warm to the
  • touch. The souls may have been taken by the sword, but the memories of the people who had been slain by it throughout centuries have remained
  • King Arthur reached his hand out and grasped the sword by its gilded handle. The power of the weapon co used through his veins. He became enriched with the power of those slain
  • The Sword is a Metaphor for his Fragile Item
  • "Have at you upsurper!" King George the Third pummeled his servant further with a bagette and then ran after him in his bed clothes. "Colonial! IS THERE ANYONE TO DEFEND ME?"
  • "Up yours, usurper!" the beaten servant called over his shoulder to King George, who was tailing him in his royal pajamas. "I was born to the throne, fair and square!" objected the
  • King, but his protests were ignored in lieu of everyone burning all of King George's fancy stuff. Jefferson appointed himself king, and the first act he did was
  • To establish local laws requiring all citizens carry guns. Black Friday practices were banned and electronics sales plunged 75 percent. Millennials complained but adapted well.
  • The generation that followed refused to be title. Millennials were the last generation made the old fashion way. Their successors were 3D printed from the conscious choosing of the
  • All-program of the New World. Over population was a worry of the past and soon, the age of man realized that with greed, humans destroy and without direction, come new rulers.


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