now wait for the aftertaste. Didn't I tell

  • now wait for the aftertaste. Didn't I tell you? Isn't the greatest cheese you ever tasted? Just try on this wheat-thingy. Am I right? I didn't even know hippos could be milked.
  • That's not all! I got something to go with the hippo cheese. Here, take this mother-of-pearl spoon. Steel ruins the taste. Voila - hippo caviar! The best, or THE best? Salty, but
  • let the billowy waves of hippo taste thrash about your tongue. As the non-fresh water-ness fills you, buy my hippo loaf. Oui, it's like fruitcake with les different ingredients
  • all purchased at the .99 cent store. The hippo loaf is mainly leavened hot dog meal.
  • New EU regulations state that hippo loaf must be at least 50% hippo meat. Now we had a couple of hundredweight illegal hippo loaf on our hands. We turned to the 'dark market' to
  • launder our hippo loaf which had signifcant admixture of beached whale carcass and other less than savory meats. I contacted Madam Wong who knew just what to do with tainted hppo
  • meat and other edible or non-edible parts of savannah animals. Madam Wong was the expert when you had any sort of hippo loaf situation gone awry. She had learned her skills in
  • the secret order of the crescent moon, where like-minded individuals helped each-other in wilderness survival skills. Madam Wong built a 2-way radio out of the hippo's innards, and
  • attempted to transmit a distress call using electromagnetic signals she created from the hippo's bladder and large intestine. The hippo's mate found Madam Wong and her crew and was
  • fortunately a prim and proper Englishman who had gotten lost in the bush and become enamored with a hippo.He took the destruction of his endangered lover in stride...and a machete.


  1. SlimWhitman Jan 01 2015 @ 04:50

    Mme Wong have many lives.

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