From my usual table in th back corner of

  • From my usual table in th back corner of the Starbucks. I looked over my MacBook at the hipsters and breeder moms and resumed work on my manifesto, "Greed, God, and
  • Instant Gratification. These are the things I love." The three "G's" Gordon Gekko and Billy Graham would be proud. I say Again. Greed, God and Instant Gratification! I just need to
  • stop with all the alliteration. It all started with Dr. Seuss and now I can't stop. It really ruined my career as a Boot Camp Drill Instructor because
  • I would shout in the face of a recruit "Piggy Private! Please parade per pledge pronto!". I was fired on the spot. When dating, alliteration would creep into the conversation.
  • E.g., "Woman, why wait when we would wither without whiskey?" and "Let's lovemake lackadaisically, luscious leprous latina lady!" But I had no success with the fairer sex until
  • I met Miss Abelia B. Codu. When I said "Abelia, animalistic amorous action are an antidote against apathy." She replied, "Beastial Carnal Deliberations Excite Female Genitals".
  • Suddenly, my thesaurus spontaneously exploded and my vocabulary shrunk to a fifth of it's normal size. How would I talk to Abelia now, especially since her thesaurus is still
  • not did like a bomb? Oh my god - I forgot the word for what bombs do! Soon my head thing is going to forget all lettery things and OH GOD IT'S HAPPENING! I feel unthinky now.
  • EXPLOSION. Combustion! Incendiary engulfment. Shrapnel bursting here and there, flames overtaking the building, and the entire symposium was really the word symposium ever. Too
  • much drama, I thought. I lifted my head form my notebook, wiped a way the drool, read what I had written above, and though wow, I need to stop drinking absinthe before I write!


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