How about I tell you a story? A folding story?

  • How about I tell you a story? A folding story? One that repeatedly folds and twists and turns until it can be folded no more. But then what? What do you do with a broken story?
  • I use No More Nails on a broken story. Its tough adhesive action bonds a bunch of non sequitors, ridiculous plot twists & turgid paragraphs into a solid mass of prose. It's good fo
  • lding practice. Otherwise, add a new fold 'til it gets better, add a new fold 'til it gets better, add a new fold 'til it gets better, early in the morning! Yo-ho up she rises, yo
  • -hu up she rises, yo-ho up she rises foldin early in the morning. And if she's still stutterin' her letters, and if she's still stutterin' her letters, jumblin up the story's order
  • ...he trailed off. Salty, craggy faced, murderously drunk Cap'N Crunch stopped his singing and turned his blustery eye back at his crew. "Forward ho you blasted fools! We be
  • in the midst of quite the squall!" The frightened crewmen (most of them children) hastily rowed and hoisted the sails, desperately praying to all the gods of wind they knew of.
  • I don't want to be a pirate any more - one little boy cried. I'll hang ye from the yardarm ye scury snotting dog! Now row fer fucksakes, ROW! Yelled the captain through the storm.
  • The lightening frightened the little boy pirates so much that they wet their scallywag drawers, but the huge waves swept across them and washed it all away. A burly mermaid danced
  • a Seabat's Jig accompanied by the lash on the cabin boy's back. The coxswain was choking the chicken to make a Scotsman's Pipe & the boatswain was blowing his pipe on the poopdeck.
  • The Sea of Words had meanwhile expanded tenfold and the boatswain attempted to catch a cadenza of alewives. But the plovers beat him to it. All was forgiven when dinner was served.


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