The city of Pabmilae began as a small collection

  • The city of Pabmilae began as a small collection of villages circa 150 BCE.
  • Each village was unique. Initially they were numbered, starting at 1, until the residents thought up a name of their own for their village. There were thatched roof houses with
  • in feet of the smoldering volcano. A powderkeg to say the least. Now, in order to name their village, the villagers had to come up with a colossal ceremony.
  • First they would drink soupcans around the fire, and dance their tribal soup dance. The best dancer would be thrown into the volcano, and his/her name would be given to the village
  • people, who would write and perform a catchy dance hit about him/her. So the ritual went ahead, and this year, the winner was
  • ... Hamilton! But everyone expected that. Or at least this bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman did.
  • And they were prepared. With what was left of the ammo, they pulled together a small army of very drunk Irishman. A piper played an up-tempo tune to keep them awake. Once
  • they remembered that bagpipes had been banned by the U.N. for violations agains mankind('s ears) though,they ordered the Irish to turn piper and pipe into Haggis.The recipe had to
  • Meet the strictest restrictions anybody had ever seen. The barley was required to be from Stonemason's farm. The stomach from Grocer's herd. The offal was a community affair as lon
  • -g as no vegetarians or vegans were invited. The rabbits RSVP'd: "We don't care if it's kosher, we aint eating no eyeballs or junk. Thank you for thinking of us, though."


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