Never before had he heard that noise. He

  • Never before had he heard that noise. He ran as fast as he could, ignoring the robotic voice urging him to stop. His feet hurt, but the end of all of it was very close, so he took
  • the last bit of his energy to jump across the gap in the rooftops. Whatever that sound was, it was coming from behind this door - it was so hypnotic, he just had to know what was
  • black and what the hell was yellow? What did it mean and why did they keep chanting it. he understood Black and Tan, he understood Black and Blue, but yellow? What
  • kind of bee-worship went on in the rap world? He sighed and resigned to leave it as one of life's mysteries. His stomach grumbled, so he want to the Combination Pizza Hut and Taco
  • Bucket to stuff his face with 35 pounds of partially cooked meat and mouldy cheese, offered up in a series of three large bowls for only $3.79. Bee-rap mysteries would have to wait
  • until I'd had another round with the dessert tray. Failing that, I resumed puzzling over bumble bee rap music, pondering why the buzzing little honeymongers were so pissed off all
  • the time. "Her honey pot ain't sticky like it used to be," they beebopped. After shouting profanities and buzz words, their angry Queen came by. I kept the NatGeo camera rolling as
  • The Queen put on a skintight black & yellow striped leather catsuite, & her most sultry perfume & asked Maestro to play "Flight of the Bumblebees". I panned out as the swarm
  • wondered where all the cowboys had gone? "They were right here a second ago" said bee number 10984.
  • Cowboys, bees, car keys, socks, hopes and dreams: they were all disappearing. Many scientists thought it had something to do with the Rainbow Connection. I'll see you there!


  1. SlimWhitman Nov 19 2011 @ 02:09

    Somehow a muffled bee buzz made it all to the finish.

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