The table read was supposed to be fun. It

  • The table read was supposed to be fun. It was Chip's new screen play. He'd ordered pizza for the group. That's when he noticed Gallagher at the table. What the hell was he doing
  • He brought down that circus sized hammer the words scattered like a ripe melon, but there was no plastic sheet. This was front row chaos and we sat there splattered with grammar
  • , letter, and other assorted stuff to do with the alphabet. I had to find that plastic sheet, no matter what.
  • You see, Roger wasn't potty trained yet, even though he was approaching 30 years old.I busted my rearend for months to buy my Tempurpedic and there was no way I was gonna let Roger
  • wipe his bottom on my wedding dress. My wedding dress was white. Even though I was certainly no virgin, it did not mean it was toilet paper. Roger had gone too far this time and I
  • knew I needed to get revenge, but how? There was no chance he'd ever get married. What woman would want to live with that man! But I had to come up with a way to ruin a special da
  • te. Revenge would be mine if I could just find a way to convince his date to stand him up! I devised a plan which involved a Sasquatch wearing an orange tutu and a yellow
  • Leotard to show up with a wig. I went to the wig shop and checked everything they had. I found the right one and gave it to the Sasquatch. "Thank you!", she said as she dressed for
  • the most exquisite tea party she'll ever have in her life. If you looked at the Sasquatch with your head tilted ever so slightly to the left, she almost looked gorgeous.
  • Gorgeous enough to bed. Whatever floats your boat man. Whatever floats your boat.


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