Medical conditions: Guinezythuphobia. Patty

  • Medical conditions: Guinezythuphobia. Patty scratched his head. "Well Miss Blakeney if you can draw a beer, serve customers and smile like that, you've got the job. Just sign here.
  • Miss Blakeney slammed her face on the dotted line. A blotchy smudge of Burt's bees lip gloss and saliva stains were left on it. Patty said, "well I guess you can tend bar now."
  • Mister Blakeney proceeded to whack his buttocks against the bar a full ten times, not realizing that everyone was watching. It would take a while to explain this one.
  • "Um...and yes, this is indeed the most effective way to eliminate stubborn cellulite," Mr. Blakeney shouted. "Recent studies confirm that when repeated blows to the buttocks are ad
  • ministered using proper technique, unsightly fat stores are converted to gorgeous lean muscle!" He kept spanking. "Just look at these before & after pictures!" Mrs. Blakeney stood
  • , staring at the photographs. Her lucioius eyes, delicious kneecaps, how could one not want to use this product. Mrs. Blakeney grins to herself, satisfied with the eventual
  • final print of the new advertisement for batteries. Mr Blakeney knew that sex sells products, so what better way to sell double A batteries than
  • feature a blushing Bunny wearing fuschia in the commercials. His advert team wasn't the brightest though. They used a fluffy, pink rabbit instead. It kept going and going, until
  • things had gone too far & everyone became alarmed. The rabbit just kept going. This had gone WAY too far! It was REALLY out of hand! They tried to stop him but he had the strength
  • of the Energizer Bunny. Nay, 10,000 Energizer Bunnies! But then one day, they let the dogs out and, well, it was ugly. Real ugly. Pink fluff & batteries were strewn everywhere.


  1. Gibber Aug 30 2014 @ 18:50

    MoralEnd - Miss Blakeney slammed her face on the dotted line. -- I laughed hard.

  2. MoralEnd Aug 30 2014 @ 23:49

    Thanks Gibber.

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