Journal entry: 5/14/13. Bought some Doritos

  • Journal entry: 5/14/13. Bought some Doritos today. Spicy Nacho. Though about the Cool Ranch. Didn't go for it. Should I have? Can't wait to look back on this in 10 years.
  • Journal entry: 5/15/13. Should have gone for the Cool Ranch Doritos yesterday. Ended up in the hospital last night with severe acid reflux from Spicy Nachos. But met a cute nurse.
  • Journal entry: 5/16/13. In Vegas with cute nurse. Just married! It's love this time - 4th time lucky. Stomach still acidy. Off to Hoover Dam 4 honeymoon.
  • Bob closed the book. After the dinosaurs returned from the dead and destroyed human habitation all these old journals only made him feel lonely. He was the last human remaining
  • who knew how it all began, & returned to Jensen to pay his respects to the dead at the sight of the Reawakening. He walked to the quarry since Dinozombies could here car motors.
  • Unfortunate for him, they could also hear feet. A Pteradonozombie swooped from above and snatched him in its beak, carrying him away to its nest. He would never make it to Jensen.
  • The zombies gave him a new identity, with a Galaxy 48G code. Jensen was in Galaxy 35P, light years away. Nefertiti was his new mum and Zeus his new father. His sibling was Q.
  • Needless to say, having two gods for parents and a highly evolved super-intellect for a brother made him insufferable at parties. He spent hours leaning at the bar, bragging about
  • his superior genes, but his vision was so bad that he didn't know he was talking to a small plastic drunk leaning on a lamp post with the word "BAR" printed on it. He felt a
  • real kinship with his new extremely quiet friend who smelled like a rare petroleum substrate and vomit. Mostly vomit. Just then his aneurism burst and he was dead. The donuts fel


  1. LordVacuity Sep 11 2016 @ 00:47

    Now we will never know about the donuts Fellini ordered poured over the -- wait, we didn't go there so why do I know this? That fashion model or was it an actress? Not Ann Margret, that was beans and not Fellini. This is going to vex me all night.

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