I look around in shock. So this was purgatory.

  • I look around in shock. So this was purgatory. Cas and Dean had warned me about this place. They said its far more terrifying then Hell, but I had to come. I had to find the one.
  • The only. The administrator who had the power to grant me the day off on my birthday. Purgatory was a strange department name to be sure, but Cas and Dean had also commented that
  • there would lots of cake, pie, burgers and a ton of other junk food this evening. After all, Purgatory was the most sinful place and what could be more sinful than huge cherry pie.
  • Well actually, since this was Purgatory it was a microwaved cherry pie hot pocket, scaldingly hot and with only stones. But we get ahead of ourselves. The first junkfood course was
  • that fried apple banana peanut butter tart the snake made for Eve to tempt her to eat the first junk food from the junk food tree. I walked through purgatory, remembering the story
  • like it was only yesterday. My grandmother told me, warning me of the dangers of junk food. But did I listen? Hell no. So here I am, stuck in purgatory, wishing I had some way to
  • order a pizza for delivery. I'd go to the drive thru and pick up a couple of burgers, but my infernal car broke down again, and there's no mass transit here. My pal Dante thinks
  • its better to order pizza and have it delivered than go to Hell at 3208 W. Armitage. Dante's Pizza serves some unusual pizza topping combinations such as anchovies, spinach and
  • pineapple. Trying to order pizza at Dante's is a unique experience. If you can get past the funky smells coming from the kitchen and the unqualified staff,you may get a pizza...
  • served with a dark beer by a hairy-handed lady with a patch on one eye, who might leer at you with a lustful gleam coming off of her single tooth as she..


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