Eighty coconuts were lined up in the town

  • Eighty coconuts were lined up in the town square. With cameras rolling, he would attempt the world record for most broken with his head in one minute. Picking up the first one,
  • he looked for the sweet spot & knocked it on his noggin.It split cleanly in two & the juice flowed down his face into his open mouth.One down 79 cabezas to go."Ganesh help me",
  • But Ganesh said, "I thought I told you, I go by Ganapati, now, you coconut headed fool." Besides Gane...Ganapati was more interested in the peanuts that were in the vending
  • machine turning into peanut butter w/ the jelly swirl, sadly it all stopped at once. He asked, "what happened?" "I don't know" said his monkey. Ganapati shook the vending machine
  • and small cogs sprang out, pinging off the walls, the ceiling. Then the vending machine disgorged a great river of peanut butter and jelly, drowning the monkey.. Ganapati shook
  • the last of the goo out and placed the vending machine back, he smiled at his work and smacked his hands together. The monkey was finally out of the way, now he focused on
  • the annoying platypus. Was it a duck? A beaver? He didn't like ambiguous animals. He spotted the platypus from the corner of his eye. It crawled into Ms. Jones' filing cabinet.
  • "Umm Ms Jones, I believe you have a platypus in your cabinet." She looked at him and winked. Okay that was not the response he expected. What was a guy to do? So he made a sandwich
  • and decided to watch Animal Planet, then he could figure out what to do with the platypus. Ms Jones became annoyed, bc this was not how she planned her day. "RU going 2 f**k me or
  • just slap your platypus all day?! You know you'll just upset it if you keep that up, and before you know it, you'll have platypus spittle all over your clean clothes.


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