She became so engrossed in writing about

  • She became so engrossed in writing about burnt food in her fold that she forgot about the actual food on the grill. What's that smell?
  • The cologne from the ad with the waterfall? The sexy local fireman wears it, but why is he here? My thrice-burned venison can fend for itself, as can I. If he signs my calendar
  • then I just might swoon, she thought. He doesn't need cologne, with that natural manly scent, all sooty and sultry after a long hard day of firefighting. He's so hot he sizzles!
  • He was handsome. That much was true, but he also nearly puked everytime he laughed. Something about stretched sphincter. So she couldn't be funny on all her dates with him.
  • But oh how she loved him. Plus she had an aversion to being puked on, so she did her best to stick with very serious topics when they went on dates: the economy, world hunger, war,
  • peace, existentialism. One date she made the mistake of mentioning Ayn Rand; his face turned green and before she knew it, he had upchucked into the escargot, leaving her to
  • her cats again that night. Another time she suggested she and her blind date go dancing. They were flash-mobbed by a group of naked pregnant ladies and her date disappeared. Eventu
  • Ally they became cat-people and grew lovely fur coats and looked like cats. That worked to their advantage until the sordid day when all hell broke loose and humans rioted. George
  • No longer loved him, or hugged him or called him Not George. This was Ally's only chance to odd the evens so she took it by donning her Concerned Citizen Body.
  • It had been so long since she'd last donned it that it no longer fit. In a fit pf pique it dawned on her that she ought to have been more concerned, or at least had elastic put in.


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