Una vez un gato se fue a la escuela.

  • Una vez un gato se fue a la escuela.
  • El gato era el único estudiante que no participan en Día Skip. ¡Él era la mascota de un profesor! Los estudiantes le intimidado hasta se convirtió en un león. Su sed de sangre
  • I said, no MORE SPANISH!
  • Por que?
  • "Nnnn-nno. That's PpupuuuPorky. MR. Porky PuupuuPig to you, fella!" Porky cried and ran wee-wee-wee all the way home. "Did you pick up my roast beef at the market?" asked
  • Donald Trump, who had just returned from a nude celebrity golf tournament in Barbados. "I'm starving." Goofy looked at Donald and gulped. "Uh, gee sir, n-n-n-no." Trump's hair
  • Was perfect. Goofy was waiting for some doggie treats before Trump could leave. Mike Pence had some, so Goofy ate the whole thing and ran off. They boarded the Airbus and fled.
  • Goofy chased the airbus as far as he could, barking pathetically. "Just see if they get my vote," he growled at the plane as it disappeared into the smog over Cleveland. Homeless
  • Children almost froze in their newspaper blanket. When the papers were on strike many homeless died. Then the trash and garbage were on strike everybody smelled it. Not to kiss and
  • tell, but the last time my lips touched my lover's was well before catastrophe struck and the strikes began. It was a lonesome way to live, but at least in the end we did survive.


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