It was the moment Sisyphus had been dreading

  • It was the moment Sisyphus had been dreading - performance reviews. Beelzebub tapped a clipboard. "Well, Sissy, it looks like today's your lucky day. You've been reassigned to
  • a smaller boulder. and by the by, we know its Hell, but no smoking." Sisyphus fumed at Beelzebub and went back to work. His whole Millennium break was taken up by that review.
  • One might think that pushing a boulder uphill for eternity would render a certain resignation to the pushing individual after a few millennium. One would be wrong. Sisyphus was alw
  • ays ready to push it up the hill again, because each time the boulder rolled down, small chunks chipped off it and the task became easier. At the bottom Sisyphus greeted Prometheus
  • and cheerfully asked him if his liver had grown back again. Prometheus growled at him, claiming Sisyphus asked him the same darn question every night! Sisyphus shrugged, and start
  • -ed chasing after the boulder because shrugging caused him to lose his grip on it. Then Atlas shrugged and the boulder bounced and landed right on top of the
  • bedside table, damaging it almost beyond repair. Atlas took a moment and then set to work, repairing it. The boulder really did do a number on it. He lost
  • time trying to polish out the boulder damage, which also smoothed over the nice scourge-n-gravel antiquing he and Hercules had applied. Atlas's bedside table would just have to
  • remain in this condition. It was unfortunate. Another heavy burden for Atlas to bear. Hercules & Atlas lay down in the bed & tried to get their minds off their home decorating woes
  • at least until chrome was invented, but as we all know, chrome wasn't built in a day.


  1. RoboRoach Jan 19 2014 @ 04:05

    You're right, Google Chrome is a decent browser.

  2. Chaz Jan 19 2014 @ 22:40

    Rome where you want to... Rome around the world!

  3. 49erFaithful Jan 21 2014 @ 14:13

    Atlas(t) ... my love has come along. My lonely days are over and life is like a song.

  4. Zetawilk Jan 21 2014 @ 15:58

    Only in the sense Google will one day prevent you from viewing porn on it. Or doing anything else they don't approve of.

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