The floor had started to ware where she had

  • The floor had started to ware where she had been pacing. She held the test in her hand but couldn't look until the 3 minutes passed. How could this of happened? She was sure that
  • having intercourse while menstrating did not lead to pregnancy. But
  • his seed was longer lived than he knew. Specifically, once in the pool, they could swim there quite happily for up to five days. She could swing from bloody to breeder in that time
  • like a howler monkey in heat. Pool insemination was his favorite strategy. He had decided to break Genghis Khan's fertilization record because he wanted his own flesh and blood
  • to take over the world. Later that night, he sneaked down to the shed hoping to see her supple flesh. He would stop to see the cuppa pizza guy on his way to
  • the Beast's lair, hurrying with the pizzas (they had a "Get-the-pizza-in-less-than-15-min.-or-you-get-to-eat-the-delivery-guy" policy). The Beast reminded him of
  • the fact that it was actually a ten minute policy. Unfortunately, he had taken just under fifteen minutes, and so the Beast ate him
  • but Cowboy TV saved him and then beat up the Beast!
  • Yet another near disaster foiled by the transvestite cowboy. Which, hmm, I am not sure. Is a transvestite cowboy female, or is the idea that the cowboy was ALSO a transvestite?
  • The transvestite cowboy donned both his bolo and his boa and lept off of a cliff, solving that conundrum for once and for all.


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