There's another me when I go to sleep and

  • There's another me when I go to sleep and start to dream. I am then living in another Universe. I'm going to sleep to see what's happening to the other me.
  • The other me had the same idea. The other me told me there was another me in another universe that the other me saw from time to time and that me and the other me should go see the
  • other other me and the three of me could go together and see a bunch of other mes and so on and so on and so on and so ... until there was just Me waking up from me dreaming about
  • one of me. It's hard being me, especially when there are so many of me. Me, of all people. Geez, look at the time, I gotta make like me and split.
  • Now there were two more of me. Another two more of me to feed, to clothe and to care for. It was a drag. I needed some respite from me.
  • So I redirected my attention to you. It was you who drove a 1990s Civic with crumbs on the floor and an "I roll 20s" bumper sticker. You have the intellectual capabilities of a
  • stale peanut. I walked over to you, drew a pygmy tuna fish from my pocket and thwumped it down on the desk right under your button nose. "You know what this is" I stated. "Explain"
  • My mind lunged for a convenient lie, but when I saw the fury in your eyes, the truth bubbled from my lips before I could stop it. "I'm sorry, but this pygmy tuna fish and I are in
  • fact the same person. You think we are separate entities because you see two bodies in front of you, but that's because you're insane. I would never cheat on you with a fish" I sai
  • d, my fingers crossed behind my back, all the while fantasizing that very moment of Wanda. My chin wobbled as I lied, giving me away. I finally stated the truth: "I hate you."


  1. Woab Jan 25 2019 @ 14:31

    It is fascinating how this story turns in on itself like a mobius loop.

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