"What the Hell is in an Ornage Julius, anyway?"

  • "What the Hell is in an Ornage Julius, anyway?" The customer was clealry a torublemaker, so Inez threw him her most savage look. "You want one, or not?" She began tapping her foot.
  • The customer snarled. "Just give me your hat and I'll leave." Inez looked at him puzzled. "Excuse me?" She asked. "Your hat!" said the man. He looked deranged with his messy hair..
  • Suddenly, his demeanor changed. "I'm sorry," he said, "I had you confused with a different girl named Inez. I don't need your hat; I know there's no secret map in it." Confused,
  • Inez gave him the hat anyway and about 4,000 volts from her Taser to go with it. She knew she didn't like the look of this guy from the start and now had to decide
  • which cheek to cut out of his face and brown with chablis. She tazed him behind the ear and he dropped like the trade towers. She hit her stiletto and started slicing his cheek
  • starting at the ear and working her way to the mouth. She became excited, breathing heavily, realizing that...
  • the slightly slimy feeling was due to the iguana's tongue. She had never thought of an iguana as a sex object but that was changing rapidly. The iguana is turning me on more than
  • an electrician at a lightbulb convention. It was then the butler stormed in uttering sexual overtones the size of a mountain. If I were any shorter,
  • I would have been able to look up the maids skirt without stooping, but as it was I just relied on wearing highly buffed penny-loafers. Unfortunately the butlers sexual overtones
  • did not harmonize. The maid shrieked and ran from the noise. Damn! Back to internet porn.


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