People who couldn't see the backward just

  • People who couldn't see the backward just never would. It was unheard of for as long as Getheil could remember and he was there at Emergence. Then they found the math; Kurt Gödel.
  • He shoved all of their noses through the math. It was there, he said. In the math. He called it incompleteness but we know it is the backward. Or you don't know it. That's the poin
  • point of math, he explained, is to make people think it's for the elite but when really it's about be lazy. The solution is the most important part, not the calculation.
  • "For instance," the professor noted, "I could explain why there's no general solution to a quintic polynomial, or I could just say mumble Galois mumble subgroup structure of S5."
  • Lily yawned, then scribbled a note and slipped it to Gary, seated two rows behind. "I am bored out of my mind. Wanna go throw confetti at the pigeons at St. Edward's Square?"
  • This turned out to be one of those times that throwing confetti at the pigeons really meant throwing confetti at the pigeons. Gary was disappointed. He'd missed the lecture and now
  • he was going to go home to a cold shower. The little bit he heard of the lecture kept going through his brain as he showered trying not to think of the curves of that girl's thesis
  • Somehow, the cold water, the lecture, and her curvy thesis got jumbled together in his mind when he came & ended up creating THE DOOMSDAY CONFUSION and he set it off. They rocketed
  • Off to the Orion Galaxy and were never seen or heard from again. The conspiracy theorists were having a field day with this some four months afterwards. They star
  • -ed stupidly as the Orion Slave Dancer undulated up to them, her blue hips hypnotizing them with their liquid motions. She relieved them of their cash and any further conspiracies.


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