On an elevator with Ëlvÿs the High Elven

  • On an elevator with Ëlvÿs the High Elven Elvis impersonator because the escalator was not actually an option. Since elves do not have the concept of gratitude, he keeps having a
  • confusion due to contusion caused by the Sourceror's illusions. Eöyn and Ëlvÿs took the Fairytellevator to the Floor of Ring temptation. The lift attendant, a curly toed halfling
  • g yawned "Welcome to Fairydale's youronestopdreamshop. Going up!" The hobbit wretched the lever." The two elfs spoke, "We seek the one-" "4th floor, jewelry, cosmetics"
  • "Yes," the hobbit replied "This shop will sell you anything you want." The scattered jewelry seemed merely costume cheap stuff. The elves searched for the one and found a map inste
  • Ad of the books they wanted. This map was of Middle Earth. They bought it. It cost only three dollops. The hobbit was pleased to sell it and make room for more books. There were
  • cook books, hook books, look books, book books and many other types of books on his shelf. The hobbit methodically cleaned each book with elbow grease and a little spit.
  • This made the books rather soggy and dingy, but the hobbit liked them that way. It made them look lived-with. But one day a dragon smelled the slobbery books and poked his head in
  • the skylight and snorted at the hobbit "we are never gonna win at pub quiz if you don't get some new books to consult! The Internet won't be invented for another 200 years."
  • “Ewww,” the hobbit cried, “You’ve snorted all over my shawl!” He tossed it aside, “Two hundred years!” he yelped, “I’d better get ready…don’t want to miss the intranet invention!
  • Hopefully my time-travelling shawl will still work even after you've ruined it." He set the dial for 2279AD, when he could buy a virtual time-travelling shawl at a bargain.


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