By 3 a.m. most of his skin had peeled off.

  • By 3 a.m. most of his skin had peeled off. The blood loss was obscene, but the fact that he was still "alive" confounded him. He had always been under the impression that he needed
  • skin in order to live. Wasn't it the fifth organ or something? Anyway it was kind of fascinating watching muscles twitch & blood course through his arteries.He was the visible man!
  • Visible Man's arch rival, Divisible Man, had planted his good eye in that very gas station bathroom, just above the mirror. "It looks like Visible Man's eyes are the source of his
  • power; we'll steal them!" His henchman Donald asked warily, "Are you really considering a violent vivisection of the Visible Man's visual viscera?"Divisible Man rolled his eyes and
  • that's when he noticed that his henchman, so-called named Donald looked familiar. Divisible thought, where have I seen this Donald before? The wacky blonde comb over, the
  • short-sleeved button down shirt and the pants pulled up too high. He didn't look the part, which made him perfect. Donald took me down to the landfill to scare the
  • bejeezus out of some hobos, but during the 70s, his uncle needed some cheap labor, so he disinherityed Donald. Too bad that medical research never panned out. The landfill's full
  • Of unsightly souvenirs of the research. Hypodermic needles, test tubes, gravitars, clavicles, horns, mouse tails and more. You can imagine my disgust when I found it years later.
  • The mouse tails and hypodermic needles had mated and their offspring had assimilated the horns and clavicles. The effects were interesting enough for the research to be re-funded
  • for another year, but as the rest of the facility moved on to the new science of human dehydration, grants trickled to a halt. Surviving ' mouseoderms' were donated to the zoo.


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