The ground was soft. Soft and warm. He looked

  • The ground was soft. Soft and warm. He looked down to see what kind of surface he was standing on, and it wasn't the ground at all. The grass between his toes was soft pale fur, th
  • e kind you find stuck to your favourite woollen coat when you are rushing to get to a dinner party. He started to navigate through the fur covered lands towards a giant swaying
  • sable coat. It's arm beckoned to her.She stumbled forward between the flax jackets & muslin dresses.The sable coat opened up draping smoothly over her bare skin. Her vegan friends
  • put away their buckets of paint and complimented her on the cleverness of turning live animals into a fashion statement. She smiled and patted the purring heads wreathing her hair.
  • She was finally here in the big time. All was well with the world. Nothing could stop her now! But no. The old-timey flashbulbs that often accompany and distract the newly-famous
  • literally blinded her as she emerged from her limo. She missed the curb, tripped over the paparazzi, & landed flat on her face, fracturing her skull. Permanently brain damaged, she
  • actually gained more fame. Sadly, she didn't know about her now over-the-top ratings, being brain damaged and all. Her family decided to
  • take advantage of the royalties earned from her music and lived lavishly while she was stuck in a mental hospital. Meanwhile, her fans were wondering why
  • she never posted any selfies on Instagram anymore, or if they should abandon her and turn to Bill Murray as their idol instead.
  • They resigned themselves to a life of Avant-Garde tap dancing routines, until an angry NeoCubist poisoned their hall with sarin gas. Their funerals were attended by mimes. The End.


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