Parttime Santa part time hobos Ed & Wes were

  • Parttime Santa part time hobos Ed & Wes were drinking their way through their dept. store earnings & trading Kringle jokes. "How many snow ploughs does it take before Rudolfs nose
  • turns off?" Asked Ed. Wes woke up. "What?" Wes was dreaming of a white Christmas in his black out. Ed stumbled over to Vixen and started petting her heavily. "There, there
  • mmm hmmm, right there, there, Ahhhhohhhh!" Vixen let out a primal scream which woke up Wes again. He'd passed back out and awoke to see Ed and a disheveled Vixen curled up under
  • red security lasers. Why did he agree to be the 3rd wheel on a museum heist? Wes shook off the sleeping gas and told Ed and Vixen to clothe themselves. Ed stole a suit of armour
  • while Vixen dressed up in some mummy's wrappings. Wes then instructed Ed and Vixen to stand very still in the museum displays until they heard the "signal" for the museum heist to
  • begin. Ed and Vixen followed their orders, but when a rival group of heisters broke into the museum they mistook that as their own signal. Wes could only watch in horror as
  • the intricate works of Arty the Artsy Architect fall to the ground in pieces. His eyes filled with tears of joy and anger. His life had just fallen apart, but that wasn't why he
  • suddenly burst into song. "Architecture is a waste of a life! Who wants to build houses on the ground when you can sing to the stars and the heavens!" He mused that from now on he
  • would immediately be checked into the nearest mental hospital until further notice.
  • But what they didn't realize was that was the plan the whole time. You can't fool Cage! I know the Declaration of Independence is hidden in the Orderlies' quarters! Ha-ha!


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