Tell me why? The teacher says. "I dunno"

  • Tell me why? The teacher says. "I dunno" Bruno mumbles. "I just hate it here. I miss my friends in Berlin. This place smells. I had to do something. Anything." He tries not to cry.
  • The teacher shakes his head and looks at Bruno disapprovingly. "How about if you would write a story about your life here?" The teacher says in a suggestive tone.
  • "How about if you would write a story about your life here?" replied Bruno childishly. "Bruno... Are you serious...? You're parrotting me?"
  • You better not be parroting me Bruno. I was parroted once before, by a parrot in fact, who parrotted me with a parrot. There was much parroting, but do you know what I did Bruno?"
  • "You know what I do, SQUAWK!" Bruno screeched, causing his owner to stumble. Bruno was a snarky little budgie, and he quite enjoyed mimicking his owner when it was least expected.
  • That's it. Bruno had mocked his owner one last time. The bird watched that the owner tapped away at the keyboard, unaware the tapping was a frantic search for budgie pie. Then, he
  • fluttered to the laptop, perched on top of the screen and let a brown squirt trickle down the screen and onto the keys. Bruno's owner shouted and lunged at the budgie, who was
  • at this point, unstoppable. Bruno nose-dived and swivelled, loop-de-looped and rolled, all the while letting out a long thin stream of faecal matter. The budgie was glorious
  • -ly defacing the world of his former captors. "Serves 'em right," Bruno shrieked as he spewed parakeet poop on the tulips. So great was his glee that he didn't notice that there
  • a cat in among the tulips. A hungry cat who would eat a Bruno just as fast as he would eat a parakeet. Even better when the parakeet was a Bruno, like this time. Goodbye Bruno.


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