I was out of food, water and batteries.

  • I was out of food, water and batteries. The river stood before me and behind, in the jungle, the grunts of the monkeys closed in.
  • I replenished my water from the river & roasted a few monkeys to replenish my food. Sadly the jungle offered me nothing in the way of batteries but what it did
  • give me was my first experience with an actual Amazon woman. There I was, lost in the jungle, naked & alone. She suddenly appeared from the mist, her dark eyes glittering, her
  • hair glowing in the rain forest mist. The Amazon flung my naked body with one arm over her shoulder and swung into the vines. I was dizzy in her embrace. "Hi, I'm Wally."
  • I smalltalked my way through my fear of heights, vines, & tall silent women. We arrived in the Amazon's village I was made to understand they needed a new doner, me an accountant!
  • I had no choice anyway. One night I drank something strange and woke up two days later missing a kidney. They gave it back to me, in a jar, and told me to keep it safe.
  • I kissed the jar goodnight and put it under the pillow before night time, being it the safest place I had in my little apartment. Little did I know about the organ harvesting fairy
  • in the apartment below mine, or the organ fairy's ties to Malthusia Blighton. Overnight I thought I heard loud snoring, but woke to find a hole under my bed and the jar was missing
  • and a small gold coin left in its place. I was so excited I rushed to the mirror to look for any marks left by the organ fairies visit. To my surprise I discovered several wounds
  • All over my chest and arms, they were closed with stitches I passed out for the sudden ache. Those nasty little creatures killed meI passed out and that's the last thing I remember


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