He touched down at noon. The fortress of

  • He touched down at noon. The fortress of solitude was just that, lonely. He could call up crystal messages but it was always the same boring conversations. What he wanted was a Wii
  • and maybe Jimmy O would come over. Dad probably wouldn't approve, but who really needs the approval of a simulation? He thought about Batman,
  • the leathery suite and dark aura was kind of a turn-on but his heart quickened most when he thought of the "Man of Steel". Robin, flipped through the Gotham-mag "Musclemen" and
  • came across some yaoi of The Thing and The Hulk, which was an even greater turn-on. Robin ditched Batman and became The Hulk's lover and sidekick.
  • Robin was a size queen & found the green color erotic. Batman and the Thing had no chemistry, but teamed up instead to fight crime, though this lead to humorous misunderstandings,
  • such as whose turn it was to take out the garbage or whether the dishwasher was clean or dirty. Oh, the fun that Batman and the Thing had together. They opened an office in San
  • Antonio and got rich selling their roommate management software. Who knew back in 1966 when Batman and the Thing first met that they'd someday be doing this...together! They trav
  • eled the world, taking pictures 4 their Instagram account & selling software. Until 1day, they were sitting in some diner in Wyoming eating pecan pie, & Batman tells the Thing his
  • thing is showing since he forgot to zip up in the restroom. The Thing blushed, and gently caressed Batman's cheek, and thanked him for being such an amazing "Super Friend."
  • But he wasn't just her "Super Friend"...he was her "Special Friend." He looked The Thing in the eyes and whispered, "You wanted me, here I am."


  1. SlimWhitman Nov 07 2012 @ 16:37

    So the Thing is a hermaphrodite? Anyway, it's touching how after all those years - they realized what "Special Friends" meant to them.

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