The Church of the Science of Baloney was

  • The Church of the Science of Baloney was based on a book written by old Mother Cupboard in collaboration with the old woman that lived in a shoe. A lock picker read the book and
  • instead of stealing treasure from Smaug, joined Mother Cupboards Church of Science & Baloney. Bilbo became an acolyte holding the holy colander when the Flying Spaghetti monster
  • entered the Holy of Wholies,that most sacred vestibule of Mother Cupboard's Church,snatching the holy colander from Bilbo's grasp and straining himself through it. Spaghetti Monste
  • rs were nonsense Wizardy thought Gandolf. He was tired of the canned magic and piss poor spells that made up today's world. Everything was dead or digital. Gandolf took a long drag
  • Queen out to dinner that night. S/he was awkward on those magically elongated legs but Gandolf didn't care. He'd given up long ago. After his brother Gandalf had frikkin died and r
  • eturned to life, he retired from society. He took his days to smoking pipeweed in his parlor and inviting young British hermits to his house to recount ancient stories to him.
  • He then wrote the stories down in a heavy book with indexed pages. The volume was as yet untitled but would later have a Magritte-esque title. Surrealism ruled! Plenty of evidence.
  • was traced back to a common location, a rest area just outside Dilley, Texas that no longer existed. It seemed we had all been poisoned by the mandela effect into thinking this was
  • a portal to another world, but it seemed to be just a portal to more of the same old world we were in all ready. So we rode into Dilley, Texas still having to find a rest room.
  • It was then that Margaret, Margaret who hasn't uttered a word since the whole ordeal began, stood up and shouted, "The restroom is a metaphore for our interpersonal experiences!


  1. LordVacuity May 29 2017 @ 21:52

    Way to go Margaret. Now I don't know if I need to take a dump or just piss. Which corresponds to us being a happy couple?

  2. SlimWhitman May 30 2017 @ 03:03

    Not sure I want to know more about Margaret's interpersonal experiences in that case.

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