The little brown mouse went hopping through

  • The little brown mouse went hopping through the big open field one day. His friends had warned him about the sky demons but his little brown mouse brain had convinced him
  • that the sky demon was just a giant ball of burning hydrogen that just happened to warm the earth perfectly. But what the field mouse did not contemplate was Little Bunny Foo Foo
  • was on the mission from the Good Fairy. He knew of the boppings of the other mice. He knew he would be next on that Goon's hit list. Then he heard it. Hop...Hop...Hop...
  • He quickly ran to take cover. No one wants to be bopped on the head. He had to be better. He had to change his ways. So what he did next...
  • Was: he grabbed a shotgun and shot his attacker to pieces. "Anyone else think they're so great?!" he shouted. Nobody responded and he ran away.
  • The police caught up with him just two months later. He hadn't gone on a spree, but when the coppers had him surrounded his lashed out with a hamster on a leash. He wasn't going
  • down unless the hamster went first! After all, it was because of the hamster that he was in this situation anyway. The girl in the pet shop, Alice I believe, gave it to me as a
  • tasty snack for my annaconda. What with the snakes escape & subsequent dissapearance of Aunt Gertrude, I felt it only fitting the Hamster should recoiter the apartment & report bac
  • k to base to ponder what was going on with my family. Turning around, I bumped into someone and fell on my butt. There stood Aunt Gertrude, all in her mighty bright bikini.
  • She took me by the arms and then proceeded to flinging me all the way to the ocean with such brute force that my limbs tore on impact with the water and slowly sunk into the water.


  1. 49erFaithful Jul 09 2012 @ 13:47

    Funny and apropos to me because I'd never heard the epic Little Bunny Foo Foo ballad until recently and the kids request it at night all the time now. The boppings will continue until morale improves.

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