when i was going to my aunt's house , i saw

  • when i was going to my aunt's house , i saw many people running across me.I stopped a man and ask him what happened ? he told 'that a clown is throwing tear gas at us and shooting
  • silly string into the air. I thought the man must be joking and he said, "Do I look like I'm joking?" He didn't let me answer before he ran off into the crowd again. Killer clowns
  • was the name of the marijuana strain that Detective Dick Johnson had loaded up on before tonight's foray into the carnival. The man with the silly string was still out there and Di
  • ana was going to find him. She'd met up with Detective Dick near Paris. They jumped into her limo and told the tipsy to "step on it." They will find this Duke of Silly String.
  • They drew up outside a dusty joke shop. The door creaked as Detective Dick entered with a cocked '45. The Duke of Silly String was tied up in multicoloured strands with a note pinn
  • ed to his lapel. "Beware the Running Joke," read the note. The Duke was unconscious. "What does that mean?" Detective Dick wondered. Then Det Manatee surprised him, clobbering
  • him over his smooth, but moist, head. "Damn, Detective! That Dick's dead!" Det. Manatee spun around. Diamond Dave! "Whatever do you mean?" Det. Manatee replied, cool as a cucumber.
  • Not just any cuke though, but The Cucumber. Det. Manatee had seen The Cucumber standing behind Diamond Dave. "I didn't know you were out of the crisper Cucumber, must've lost it's
  • Seal. Det. Cucumber and Det. Manatee teamed up with Diamond Dave to record a song for the sequel to "Attack of The Killer Vegetables". The movie was a cult classic and won an Oscar
  • for Best Catering Of A Movie Drama. Fun Fact: The cast of The Salad Strikes Back actually ate their props on set and seeing as most of the props were the cast... Not fun afterall.


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