Life is short when you have giganticness,

  • Life is short when you have giganticness, especially when only part of you displays the symptoms. His trousers with their special pocket looked like three legged pants with the
  • coccyx which had a gigantic bone spur on it that gave him a long bony spike out his back side. He made a pant leg for it, it came in handy because while he waited in line he
  • could idly turn around and slice up the butt of the person in front of him. They would have to leave the line to find a big band-aid for their hams, and he would remain blameless.
  • He would patent this ass-slicing invention, and eventually became a millionaire. One of it's best customers was Jeffrey Thompson, some IT guy, who used the ass-slicer to
  • slice his own arse, and Kit Carson. As for the IT guy, Roy walked in on Moss trying to slice his ass off. "Wot ar yu doin'?" he said in his Irish brogue. Moss replied nasally, "I
  • am going to the toilet! Do you really need to know that?" "Ey need ta no wer yer arr at all tymes sur" Roy slurred while bowing down to Moss' blood covered arse.
  • The phone rang and Roy's answering message asked if the had tried turning it off and on again, if it was switched on or plugged in. Moss returned from the toilet with a
  • Lichen, a clownfish a sea anemone, & Dax They pressured Roy to enter a symbiotic partnership with Moss, so he pleated Moss into his hairweave. Moss rooted firmly in Roy's bald pate
  • meant that Moss was always on Roy's mind. Roy thought about the long history he had with Moss and all the adventures they had shared & actually teared up as he looked at himself in
  • his video diary. Time spent to make the diary: approx. 82 hours. Cost: negligible since he got the camera as a gift. Remembering Moss properly: priceless.


  1. Lithium Jan 27 2013 @ 19:02

    The most messed up story I've ever seen.

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