Once upon a time there was a pig.

  • Once upon a time there was a pig.
  • Oh, did I say "pig"? I meant gip. Sorry, I'm a little sydlexic. The gip's name was Gippy and he had a little gap between his 2 front teeth. Gippy-the-Gap-Toothed gip was a
  • children's story that went into the garbage the moment the literary agent's assistant saw it. Walking back from the bin, the assistant started to cry, she was in a dead end.
  • She turned quickly to leave but found that somehow the alley had closed behind her and she was facing a black worked stone wall. "That wasn't there before", she said aloud.
  • When no one pointed out she was stating the obvious, therefore stating the obvious themselves, she knew she was well and truly alone. Except for the creepy voice in her pocket.
  • "Buuuuyyy mooorrree Saaauuussege, saaaave BIIIIIIIG!" Whispered the voice emanating from Grace's pocket. She quickly got in contact with a district attorney to start preliminary
  • sausage-buying before the sale got going. Those sausages were going to go fast. Grace positioned herself by the grocery store door, waiting for opening time. "Now!" said the pocket
  • Geiger counter she carried. The summer sausages went first, then the bratwursts. Next to sell out were the knockwursts. The worst of the wursts were the jalapeno sausages. Only the
  • Viennas would remain at the end of the day. Tiny, delectable baby fingers though they are. Fall is the season for such sausages.
  • The braunschweiger was nearly licked clean, the American kind. Duffy was nonplussed when I laughed about how little liver is required in liverwurst. Duffy, she's such a poof.


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