This planet was one of the relocation centers

  • This planet was one of the relocation centers the "All-inclusive Society" sent its Mordian "friends." If we were friends why were we stuck on this planet? I hate it here because
  • the meteors keep knocking down my satellite dish. Grabbing my armour from the coat rack, I braved Mercury's virtually nonexistent atmosphere to restore Becker to my TV. But another
  • mistake had been made; I meant Baker, as in Tom Baker. Leaping into my Landmaster tank, I traversed Mercury's rocky terrain. Upon sight, the massive satellite dish's sabotage was
  • easily predicted. We're on friggin' Mercury, for christ's sake! Hey wouldn't it have been funny if Jesus made sake instead of wine, for christ's saké. Anyway, Mercury's so hot
  • it's making my brain melt. As evidenced by the steady stream of gibberish emanumming form me babbly whoo hee yaaaa... uh... little help here?
  • I can't help you. I won't help you. Your gibberish is beautiful emanumming emanumming emanumming….
  • Emma's eyes rolled back. Yes, she was quite numb. The gibberish had mesmorized her into a suspended state of disbelief. Every once in a while, reality surfaced in her mind & she
  • struggled to refocus but the mind and body numbness induced by the endless powerpoint presentation read verbatim and not all that well by the speaker was more than Emma could
  • fathom. Her mind snapped and she began to drool upon herself, the stain spreading until it resembled a map of Norway. Ever since Cthulhu Inc. had purchased Microsoft, Powerpoint
  • caused the whole accounting department to go cannibal. I'm hiding under my desk hoping they won't send a fax. What's that clippy? You want to help? Noooo!


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