Gary was a hero of sorts, in his own mind.

  • Gary was a hero of sorts, in his own mind. He spray painted red squiggles beneath misspelled graffiti. "If bricks were built with auto-correct, I could sleep at night," he said to
  • himself. He was part of the Neighborhood Apostrophe Watch. Placing were needed (Joes Crab Shack) and removing when not (Good Deal's! at Auto Mart!) His vigilantism progressed until
  • he got the call from the Kingpin of Punctuation: The Full stop. Vin was bracketed by two guards as he approached the hideout and had to leave his spray cans at the door.
  • Vin slashed the two guards. The Puncuation Maffia Boss the Full Stop was enraged. But Vin had asterisk shaped throwing stars and threw them then dashed out of the
  • haberdashery, where Dashes were made even more dashing em dashes (and tildes even more tilde-y). Tilda the Tilde was left behind, still trying on exclamation point boots.
  • Ampersand was always with a friend, never alone, never the sole focus. And we all know the real motives of the Dollar sign, and his distant european cousin, the Euro.
  • The Dollar and Euro had a symbolic relationship. While they were in different Brackets, they were Equals. One was not Less Than or Greater Than the other. Period. Any Questions?
  • Dave slumped at the back of the lecture hall and watched as a fly lazily circled his notes. 'Economics for Dummies' was not the course he had hoped for, but lately he didn't
  • Really care for his online community college classes. Dave was tired of working in the mud pits, and new college was the way to go. 'Movies for Toddlers' looked good, so did
  • he watch it? Of course he did. And he was completely disappointed. Or would be if he weren't the sort of trusting person who actually believed in "online education". He learnt nil.


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