He had always wanted to be a Sex Ed instructor,

  • He had always wanted to be a Sex Ed instructor, even before he was told what that meant. He would've been a great one, too. But the cruel phallus of fate had other plans.
  • You see, this humble man from Nantucket had a great show he would put on for spectators when he was young and hungry, and word of this show travelled far across the land.
  • usually in limerick form, but all press is good press. Soon he was raking in the dough. The Massachusetts traveling show of anatomical oddities was a big hit. That is until
  • it hit Worcester. Bad mistake, and even worse timing! Gnash the Saber-Toothed Clown, freshly escaped from an abortion mill in nearby Albany, collided with the caravan helplessly.
  • But it was a caravan of virtuous bounty hunters. Gnash the Saber-toothed clown injured his neck, but he was also wanted in twelve counties. The virtuous bounty hunters fanned out
  • the area to put out the flames stoked by Gnash the Saber-toothed clown. The virtuous bounty hunters tried to quell the blaze, but Mother Nature was on her period & the flames only
  • flashed up again a month later. Gnash the Saber-toothed clown ranged freely over the hills. The Bounty on is head attracted Jester-hunters of an unsavory ilk. Stumpy had a hunch
  • that Gnash was hiding over behind that bush over there. His red and white polka dot suit gave him away. The Jester-hunters gestured to one another excitedly, whispering and point
  • edly ignoring each others boners. Gnash tried to camouflage his ostentatious suit he was already in their sights and the Jester-hunters brought him down with a blowgun dart.
  • As Gnash groggily came to, he could see it had all been for naught: Danny Boyle had directed the whole shebang, and a billion people watching had no idea what had happened.


  1. jaw2ek Nov 01 2012 @ 22:31

    No idea.

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