Under the shadow of New Detroit, the Floating

  • Under the shadow of New Detroit, the Floating Utopia, the people of the trashland village struggled to survive against the warring lords and their pillaging retainers. A wastefarm
  • called Danfer. The farm was the less Utopian like than any other part of New Detroit, and the dirtiest in trashland village. They were often scared, but couldn't run off because,
  • the Mormon Overlords had severed their Achilles tendons and placed shock collars around their necks to assure obedience. Executive Overlord Romney said New Detroit would be
  • a shining Tabernacle churning out four wheeled prayers of devotion on the highway to salvation. They closed the bloodbanks & the clergy got golden licence plates. The E. O. Romney
  • ate E.L. Fudge cookies from those elves. E.O. Romney sensed that because the elves had accents, their children would be E.S.L. students. That would be a budget E.R.
  • could really make use of, that is, if it were still in production, but that's another story. Back to those elves - so where did they get all that fudge? Was it in the tree? Did
  • Winnie-the-Pooh know that the elves were intruding on his territory?What else might we find inside tree trunks if we took the time to investigate?These were the questions Fox News
  • But as in desperate need as Winnie the pooh was, Fox News does not help associate with democrats.
  • Winnie the pooh then decided to write to Alexander Flemming. If Fox news would not help ordinary citizens then perhaps the great doctor would help with his mold studies. A reply
  • from Flemming to Pooh read: "Fox News, the Sun and PETA are the Scientology of television news, print news and animal rights groups, respectively." Eeyore could've saved a stamp.


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