I have a strange feelings, a sensational

  • I have a strange feelings, a sensational that has said every moment of my life, this low silence is killing my eardrum and lethargy of loneliness is squeezing my throat..
  • pictures from the past were not more than rainy film-noir scenes. the eardeafening silence started smothering me. This dreadful moment changes all. If only I could come with you.
  • So why do you shake your head and look away? I'm missing something here. But what? That's when I noticed that
  • Chocolate covered her entire body. Mable enjoyed shocking the world with her outlandish attire! Shocking tactics could lead to
  • fame, and fame could lead to celebrity encounters and those could lead to ever more shocking tactics! It was a delicious cycle. She put on her chocolate bra and twizzler thong and
  • swam her way accross the Atlantic ocean. Was a bit nippy! But worst case scenario would be for the bra to melt.
  • These Ice cream bras she thought, they'll never catch on. At least it was big enough for all her luggage, or was it? Maybe she should
  • stop lying to herself. Ice Cream Bras? She was no inventor. What about the "tires with folding knives?" Or the "Television Lawn Chair."
  • These all seemed like great ideas, but in this day of smartphones and apps, she would need something digital. Her brother was a programmer, so maybe the could create a game for
  • the right phone and the right app. The app to beat all apps! The all-phone app app. The digital phone-finder. The app appraiser. They would be rich and famous if this worked out!


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