Joe had just hit the pope with his truck.

  • Joe had just hit the pope with his truck. There were no witnesses. The situation was surreal. He left the cab and checked the pope's pulse. The pope had no pulse. He put the
  • pope's hat, which had tumbled to the pavement nearby, neatly on the pontiff's lifeless chest and stood up, unsure of what to do next. Inside his cab, his fare was growing restless
  • like Jesus. Jesus was super restless because he could see the world going to hell in a handbasket but wasn't cleared for rapture yet. "Come on, let's go already!"
  • Jesus's mom finally PM'd his best friends. Bill Medford gave Jesus his Rapture ticket. "Here, you go. I love you, bro." Ibrahim hugged him. "Yeah, bro, it all happens within Allah,
  • New Hampshire, the hippest, most-happening, walking-est Apocalyptic commune in America! Glad to have you aboard, Jesus!" Jesus frowned. "It's pronounced hay-zeus." Ibrahim grinned
  • and handed him a hankie saying "Bless you." Zeus swaggered over, "You want something Flower boy? Jesus said, "This is my second coming.The show's over." The apocalyptic hippies
  • Still believed the world was going to end soon. Nothing could convince them otherwise. Their guru was going to be replaced, though, and they freaked out.
  • So when they looked up to find World Order asking "Are these thoughts illusion?" they took it as a confirmation that their path was the right one. So they waited for the BOMBA.
  • to confirm De Carte's Theory, and they telelocated out of there, being given back time to evrything they had once known. Everything they could do, was repowered, and 4 people fixe
  • d a new meal. And they all contracted polio. The end


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