When i got in to the shopping mall , i saw

  • When i got in to the shopping mall , i saw people running out of the shopping mall, and behind them i saw a meat - eating robot throwing some kind of burning bombs at people..
  • They were toasted marshmallows. "Don't run away!" the lonely carnivorous robot called out to the people. "I'm making s'mores for everybody! Come back, people! Pleeeazzz.zzz.zzz...
  • Only Sally stayed. She feared the robots carnivorous nature. It might devoured her collection of vintage wind up toys. Hadn't it eaten their toaster? But the s'mores it made smell
  • ed burnt. Good thing Sally had left her dolls locked up in display cabinets. People teased her for never taking them out of their boxes, but now they were safe from the mad bot.
  • Or were they? The bot released 2000 doll seeking missiles. Every doll in the cabinet was obliterated. Sally began to cry. She was mad. She was so mad that she turned into a
  • doll. Sally was enraged at the bot for destroying her precious collection of dolls. She charged towards the bot, and began to shout,"This is for everyone who has ever hurt me!"
  • BOOM! The robot clattered to the ground as Sally gave it a hard kick. "It's a good thing I took those karate lessons" said Sally, eyeing the dead robot. Her dolls were gone.
  • They'd just upped sticks and legged it for pastures new. Now she was minus her doll collection, Sally felt unburdened. She propped the dead robot up in the corner of her bedroom
  • so the dead robot could watch Sally kill the others.
  • And kill them, she did.


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