Nanu nanu. Mork calling Orson. Come in Orson.

  • Nanu nanu. Mork calling Orson. Come in Orson.
  • Orson. The fifth planet, a monumental orb with a complex history and a drinking problem, circles the star Rosebud in 70 Earth Years. Mork, having been denied return to Ork, called
  • his lawyer to see if he could get some kind of amnesty. Mork learned the hard way though. Colorado was like tea party central. In fact, Mindy was dating the cousin of Rand Paul
  • That led to her being nominated Secretary of Defense after Rand Paul got the 1932 elections. Her fisrt act was to declare war on Romania. Everyone supported her.
  • Romania was eventually destroyed and Mindy won the Nobel Peace Prize. Then, she had to deal with Missouri's Declaration of Independance. She sent CAPTIAN MISSOURI to
  • the state house to negotiate. Everyone marveled at Captain Missouri's bright blue tights emblazoned with a bluebird, the state bird, as well as her virtuosic fiddle playing.
  • No man's land was where she lived. Almost four years later, she had released an album of old blues songs and bluegrass. The bright blue tights were occasionally spotted carousing.
  • The traveling blue tights took advantage of more than a few blue plate specials while traveling between blues night clubs. They soon were so stretched out that
  • Bunny Blue got the blues on her blue suede shoes that she always wore with her blue tights. She went to see the movie Blue. Last Blue Moon she saw a blu-ray of the Blueman Group.
  • I would have gone with her, but I was yellow.


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