The Ducks of Al-Hazred had once been ordinary

  • The Ducks of Al-Hazred had once been ordinary fowl, but, having read from the gibbering madness written by the author of the Quackronomicon, what sanity they had went the way of
  • the dodo, straight as the crow flies. The Quackronomicon's canine author laughs from behind the bushes while the Ducks of Al-Hazred swarm the sidewalks of Wassamatta U. "Quack,"
  • cried the plaintiff. "Order in the court!" yelled the Judge. "Your honor since the defendent's 'operation' my client can only say 'Quack'. "Dr. Al-Hazred please take the stand."
  • In the stand, Dr Al-Hazred, fixed the defendant with a steely glare. The defendant started quacking uncontrollably. The jury wept. The court was in uproar. "My client," yelled the
  • duck's attorney,"had nothing to do with this travesty!" The utter mayhem in the courtroom prompted to judge to declare a short recess. The terrified duck trembled as Dr. Al-Hazred
  • announced to the courtroom that his brother was Chemical Ali. The duck knew his goose was cooked if Dr. AL-Hazred testified. The Duck's attorney knew his client was in a foul
  • threeway with his dead wife's twin sister and his business partner Cornfed Pig. Nobody knew when they had been resurrected but to find out that they were mixed up with WMDs was no
  • Surprise. Someone had stolen the keys to Cornfed Pig's house. He was furious. Some dude tried to open the front door and found the locks changed. "Blimey!", the dude shouted.
  • Then he huffed and he puffed and he blew Cornfed Pig's house down, which was embarrassing because Cornfed Pig had been taking a shower at the time. The wolf dude stole a silver
  • pimp came from Cornfed Pig. If any was gonna be pimpin' Fairy Tale Land's ho's, it was gonna be Wolf Dude. He rode off in his Lambo listening to funk music. What a bad ass.


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