So - this tuesday, about two years ago, was

  • So - this tuesday, about two years ago, was just a day that ran late. My coffee was ex-
  • communicated by Max the Preacher guy who said it was "a STImulant, a black potion of the DEVVVil!" I was late for class & downed the coffee scalding my tongue & swearing
  • an oath to scout's honor, of which I had none. No, I was all about scout's dishonor. On a two week back packing trip I had eaten the entire rations for troop which
  • was full of sugar, making me very hyper. I got so excited from my sugar rush that I started stealing badges from other scouts and throwing them at wild animals, such as aardvarks.
  • Which was a mistake. A large mistake. Colossal. A mistake that would cost me my left arm, my left leg, and my right testicle. What happened was the mother aardvark got confused and
  • thought I'd been trying to steal her adorable aardvark offspring, but honestly, I was only trying to help. She attacked me with a motherly ferocity and tore off my left am and leg,
  • When i recovered, i never fully recovered. People would point at him and call him "that aardvark guy". He felt like half a man.
  • A change in scenery helped him through the torment. A relaxing holiday on Cocos Island helped him discover he was more than that aardvark guy but
  • his revelation that he was an aardvark man didn't do much to pay his bills, so he turned to stripping. Being a niche stripper, work was hard to get, so he mostly ended up doing
  • manual labor, if you know what I mean. Interestingly, Aardvark Man ultimately gained quite a following in the Bushland. It must had had something to do with his protruding teeth.


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