"I haven't finished with you yet", said the

  • "I haven't finished with you yet", said the rag to the furniture polish, in that titilating kind of way that only fabric can.
  • I thought about objects that would keep crossing each others paths, the rag and the furniture polish, the rosin and the bow, the sock and the shoe. They were destined to come back
  • to me during culmination of the act. She said I was too mechanical and seemed to be somewhere else. I was just polishing her DMs to a fine buff or performing flight of the bumble
  • fuck Egypt. It was a song about some waaaay off place that everyone has been to but no one can find on a map. This strange mysterious land causes an immense outrage in the person
  • Huh huh
  • "Hee hee." "Are we done giggling?" asked Sister Christian, "Because you all make me sick."
  • The girls of Saint Jesus's monastery looked at one another in silence in the wake of Sister Christian's non-sequitur remark. She slammed the door behind herself and shut the lights
  • off. Almost immediately the girls were set upon by a horde of rabid jackals! They screamed and pounded on the door, begging for Sister Christian to help, but what they didn't know
  • was Sister Christian was already dead. The jackals took her out earlier. One rather clever Jackal disguised himself as the milkman and fooled Sister Christan into opening the door.
  • Then he gobbled her right up whole. Fortunately, a woodcutter happened to be present, cut open the jackal with his trusty axe, was able to retrieve Sister Christian and revive her.


  1. SlimWhitman Feb 22 2012 @ 16:02

    Wow, what a rescue! I trust he also rescued the students and that they were all at their usual antics the following Sunday. For another nun to holy story see http://foldingstory.com/nb7kc/

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