"That is not the type of proposal I am making

  • "That is not the type of proposal I am making at all!" After tracking down Jen all these years later, it was the last reaction he expected. "The Oath. You remember? Taylor died.
  • " Jen said, I don't believe in oaths anymore kid. They died for me. They died down there...in the shit. Jen got that 1000 yard stare. So I pulled the pin on the grenade around her
  • chastity belt and savaged her secret garden of womanly delights. After, we lay in the field sharing a Cuban. I asked if she wanted to tell me about it. She said
  • "wait, there's something wrong with this Cuban" In fact the Cuban we were sharing was unhappy at having witnessed our lovemaking, and to top that we had set him on fire. "Oh well,
  • Cubans are supposed to be burned...if they don't burn of passion,then they should burn from fire!".I made my point cause the Cuban had a sudden change of atittude and accepted our
  • gift of slightly worn handmade vintage moccasins. "Oooo!" Squealed the Cuban girlishly "I've been looking, like, everywhere for these!" The Cuban immediately fashioned them into a
  • Daily must wear item and took selfies wearing them. Her girlfriends were jealous and looked for similar shoes on Ebay or Amazon. There were no places selling that style or colour.
  • After always refusing to them where she got those shoes, she finally broke down and told then. Inferno. The instant she said "Inferno", the shoes caught fire on her feet & wouldn't
  • stop doing the 'Electric Slide' until she begged forgiveness of all her sins. having spent much of her life as a nun, she had very few sins to confess, so her feet were only singed
  • slightly. She was eventually let in to heaven where angels bathed and clothed her in white. But once inside she taught them all the "Electric Slide" angel version far more heavenly


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